
Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness and permanent vision loss in the United States. It’s critical for diabetics to get an annual dilated eye exam to monitor for diabetic retinopathy. Early diabetic retinopathy doesn’t usually have symptoms. We can take care of your annual diabetic exam and fax your complete records to your primary care provider so they know you’re staying on top it.


blood tests

Your A1C is far and away your most important diagnostic blood test if you’re a diabetic. It gives your doctor a three month average of your fasting blood sugar. Make sure you ask your primary care provider what your A1C is if he/she doesn’t mention it! Keep it below 6 if you can.


Diabetes and Diet

A consistent diet with regular exercise is the most important aspect of successful diabetes management. Remember there are infinite resources available in print and online that can help to push you in the right direction if you’re lost. Follow the link below for more information!